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Sustainable, autonomous waste garbage can emptying - MURMEL project TU Berlin

Written by Innok Robotics | 08-05-2024

The MURMEL (Mobile Urban Robot for Waste Bin Emptying) project at TU Berlin aims to optimize the waste bin emptying process of Berlin's city cleaning service (BSR) in terms of CO2 emissions and energy requirements with the help of a service robot.

Together with his colleagues, Prof. Dr.-Ing. Dietmar Göhlich, Head of the Department of Product Development Methods & Mechatronics at TU Berlin, developed a functional prototype and its integration into the process chain.

Our modular Innok HEROS robot system provided the mobility platform for this, including sensors, control unit and power. The system was extended for the special application with a robot arm, a compress and a collection basket.

"We carried out very intensive international market research and ultimately determined that the HEROS offers the best overall package - it really only works with Innok and the HEROS."

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Dietmar Göhlich, Head of the Department of Methods of Product Development & Mechatronics, TU Berlin

With the Innok HEROS as a basic platform, the extent to which a specially developed service robot can support and improve waste management processes in a large city like Berlin was tested. The aim is to avoid CO2 emissions and use energy more efficiently, as well as to support the BSR in its tasks with regard to future structural changes and the resulting challenges and problems.

"We needed a successful combination of actuators, sensors and software, and that convinced us."

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Dietmar Göhlich, Head of the Department of Methods of Product Development & Mechatronics, TU Berlin

Convince yourself of the versatility and reliability of HEROS in the interview with Prof. Dietmar Göhlich.